“As the earthly year of 2024 begins, it's worth reflecting on the state of our 'civilization' and how we arrived at such a destructive place. For artist Terry Holzgreen the answers to what ails our collective wound lay in the subject he has spent nearly 40 years in deep conversation with - WOOD.” Read More.

Independent Curator
Former Director of the Craft and Folk Art Museum (current Craft Contemporary)

Branching Out Art Installation by Terry Holzgreen at MOAH

Branching Out (2023)

Salvaged urban wood, antique dresser

32’ high x 32’ wide x 2” deep


“I realize it is not what can I do with the wood, but what can I do for the wood?”


INTERVIEW moderated by Linda Vallejo





I encountered the driftwood drenched shores along the Southern Oregon coast setting my imagination wild with its possibilities. I began collecting and milling discarded urban trees, charred Manzanita roots, and other wood debris from local beaches after big winter storms washed hillsides and buildings into the sea.
— Terry Holzgreen